Saturday, June 28, 2014

At the Airport

June 28th, 2014 – 6:54 am

There’s a bigger group this year, I might actually have WiFi on Main Campus, and people are already harassing me about the blog’s web address. So to all of you who are reading out there, hi! I’m Katie. I’ll be your tour guide this evening. Just kidding. That’s not exactly my job description, but I will be your eyes and ears on Haiti for the next week.

As of now, we are not in Haiti. We’re about to board from Detroit to Fort Lauderdale. There’s really not much going on. Everyone is chatting, trying to get a feel for each other. As a veteran (quick plug for the other blog: LOOK AT IT) it’s really entertaining knowing that everyone is shy and quiet now, because in a week, it will be the exact opposite. Last year, I felt like I was going across the world with a group of strangers and came home with a family. I have absolutely no doubt that it will be the same this year.

We’ll be boarding soon, so this is it for now! Keep checking for blog posts – I’ll be getting them out as soon as I can! Promise.

Katie Coming to You from Not Haiti

1 comment:

  1. So sad that I can't be there with you guys again this year. I know amazing things are in store for each and every one of you. It may be hard, it may challenging, it may even be a bit stressful. But it is SO worth it. I can't wait to read the stories!

    Be safe and trust in God.

    Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe. --Proverbs 28:26
